Tuscarora Mills

     Bedford, Pennsylvania   EST. 2020

swatch set of American selvedge denim 100% usda organic cotton

American Selvedge Denim Swatch Sets

American selvedge denim sets are designed to give you a comprehensive group of select Selvedge denims by weight and fiber. 

The dyed warps are Blue, Brown, and Black with the addition of Ecru and Natural warps.  Within the swatch categories you can identify these colored fabrics by -bl, -br, -bk, -n suffix to its number. 

Two categories are 100% singular fiber, 100% Cotton or 100% Hemp, all other categories are blended construction with either a Cotton or a Hemp warp. 

Some of the listed swatches are fabrics in production but not currently featured on the website, contact us via email for more information.

After choosing a swatch set and adding it to your cart, hit "clear" to bring back all the fiber and weight options available.


Fiber Weight # Swatches Style Number
Cotton Warp <10.9 OSY (309 gm) 12 swatches #322, #322-bk, #322-bk-BK, #322-bl, #322-bl-N, #322-br, #324, #324-br, #327-bk, #328-bk-BK, #332, #334
Cotton Warp >11 OSY (311 gm) 10 swatches #323, #323-bk, #323-bk-BK, #323-bk-N, #323-bl-N, #325-bl-N, #325-N, #329-bk, #333, Hickory Stripe (#H.S.-bl-H)
100%Cotton All Weights 15 swatches #320, #320-bk, #320-bk-BK, #321, #321-bk, #321-bk-BK, #321-bl, #321-br, #326, #326-bk, #326-bl, #330, #331, HIckory Stripe 33″(#H.S.-bl), Hickory Stripe 50″ (#H.S.-bl 50″)
Hemp Warp <10.9 OSY (309 gm) 7 swatches #304, #314, #340-n-N, #342-bl, #342-n, #343-n, #344-n
Hemp Warp >11 OSY (311 gm) 9 swatches #305, #315, #317, #336-bl,  #336-n,  #341-bl, #341-n, #346-bl,  #346-n
100% Hemp All Weights 14 swatches #303, #306, #306-N, #313, #313-N, #316, #316-N, #335-bl, #335-bl-N, #335-n, #335-n-N, #335-n-NS, #337-bl, #338-n-N
Linen\Flax All Weights 8 swatches #304, #314, #324, #324-br, #325-bl-N, #325-N, #334, #340-n-N
Supima <10.9 OSY (309 gm) 2 swatches #327-bk, #344-n
Wool >11 OSY (311 gm) 3 swatches #329-bk, #346-bl, #346-n
Tencel <10.9 OSY (309 gm) 1 swatch #328-bk-BK
All Fiber All weights 66 swatches All swatches in Cotton/Hemp categories cover the “unique” fiber categories above to have all denim swatches in production in this selection